best efforts to prevent leukemia

leukemia symptoms treatment

leukemia symtomsLeukemia is a cancer that attacks the blood cells. this disease still unknown what the exact cause.
There is no proven leukemia preventive. You could make a comprehensive effort to avoid all the risk factors such as exposure to certain chemicals, however it seems to run in some families. Some people think a healthy lifestyle and certain diets can help prevent it. If you have a family history of leukemia, you are at greater risk to develop it.

leukemia forms
In general, leukemia is thought to occur when some blood cells acquire mutations in their DNA — the instructions inside each cell that guide its action. Or other changes in the cells that have yet to be fully understood could contribute to causing leukemia. The abnormalities cause the cell to grow and divide more rapidly and to continue living when normal cells would die. Over time, these abnormal cells can crowd out healthy blood cells in the bone marrow, leading to fewer healthy blood cells and causing the signs and symptoms of leukemia

however, estimates from the researchers who study about leukemia, the causes of leukemia can be predicted.  
some of causes leukemia are:
  1. Radiation, radiation case that resulted in the occurrence of leukemia can we know based on some of facts that occurred when the second world war. In the second world war the Japanese people became victims of the bombing. Two cities exploded with very severe. The city of hiroshima and nagasaki city. leukemia was found on the victim's life events that occurred in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan.
  2. Leukemogenik, Leukemogenik is a cause of leukemia due to hazardous chemical substances. Example is benzene, industrial chemicals such as insecticides and drugs used for chemotherapy.
  3. Heredity. is the case with people who have Down syndrome. congenital disease is could potentially as much as two times greater for suffer from leukemia than normal.
  4. Virus. some of types of viruses can cause leukemia. Example is retroviruses, feline leukemia virus, HTLV-1 in the adult. 
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Steps to Prevention leukemia
There is no specific way to prevent leukemia, but there are steps you can take to modify your lifestyle in order to lower your overall risk of developing the disease.
  1. Quit Smoking - According to the University of Utah Healthcare, 20% of all adult acute leukemia cases have ties to smoking. By choosing to abstain from smoking, you not only lower chances of developing leukemia, but several other types of cancer as well.
  2. Family History - If you have a family history of blood disorders or leukemia, then turn your knowledge into power and take charge of your health right now. Make an effort to stay consistent with your routine medical check-ups. If you are concerned that you might be exhibiting any of the signs and symptoms of leukemia, be proactive.
  3. Avoid Chemicals -Keeping your distance from certain chemicals like benzene (a solvent that is used frequently by workers in the oil refiners, rubber factories, and chemical plants. Benzene can also be found in some household products, as well as in cigarettes. According to the American Cancer Society’s research, avoiding extending exposure to benzene can lower your risk of contracting leukemia.
  4. Avoid Radiation  - Do your best to avoid exposure to radiation, especially if your career places you in a work environment that could jeopardize your health. Take extra protective measure by wearing the proper gear and following safety procedures.  
That's my opinion on the best way to treating leukemia symptoms. your opinion?